A tummy tuck is technically called an “abdominoplasty.” This procedure flattens the belly in two ways:
Tummy tucks are perfect for patients who wish to lose excess skin and fat from their abdominal area, especially in places that don’t seem to respond to dieting and exercise. The best candidates for Abdominoplasty do not smoke and are in good health. Women who have undergone multiple pregnancies make great candidates. They can expect great results from how a tummy tuck corrects stretched abdominal skin and muscles. Patients who’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and have saggy excess skin can significantly benefit from the procedure. However, Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss procedure.
- Tightens the abdominal muscles
- Removes hanging skin
Tummy tucks are perfect for patients who wish to lose excess skin and fat from their abdominal area, especially in places that don’t seem to respond to dieting and exercise. The best candidates for Abdominoplasty do not smoke and are in good health. Women who have undergone multiple pregnancies make great candidates. They can expect great results from how a tummy tuck corrects stretched abdominal skin and muscles. Patients who’ve lost a considerable amount of weight and have saggy excess skin can significantly benefit from the procedure. However, Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss procedure.
There are different approaches to Abdominoplasty. The method chosen will depend on your condition and preference. Generally, the surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen (slight “rolling” w-shape or horizontal incision if there are no previous scars; if there is a C-section scar, the new scar will replace the old one). For patients with massive weight loss, an upward vertical incision is often made starting in the middle of the lower-abdominal incision. The belly skin is lifted to the bottom of the breast bone. The belly button stays where it is. The skin between the belly button and pubis is removed. Since the abdominal muscles drift apart with weight gain or pregnancy, they are sewn together. Then, the skin is pulled back down, and a cut is made for the belly button to come through. Drains are put in place to decrease the chance of seroma, which is the collection of clear fluid. The wound is closed in two layers: a deep layer of dissolving stitches and a skin layer of stitches or Dermabond.
Learn more about a tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty. Call Dr. Tom Crais and Aesthetics of Plastic Surgery at 208-788-7700. The office is located at 315 S. River Street in Hailey, Idaho.
Learn more about a tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty. Call Dr. Tom Crais and Aesthetics of Plastic Surgery at 208-788-7700. The office is located at 315 S. River Street in Hailey, Idaho.